The Poetry of Earth by John Keats

Multiple Choice Question from The Poetry of Earth by John Keats
1. The warmth in the winter is created by-
(a) grasshopper’s delights
(b) hot sun
(c) silence
(d) cricket’s song
Answer: (d) cricket’s song
2. The word ‘warmth’ in the passage means-
(a) loudness
(b) silent
(c) heat
(d) cheer
Answer: (c) heat
3. The silence in “The Poetry of Earth’ has been wrought by-
(a) summer
(b) winter
(c) frost
(d) rain
Answer: (c) frost
4. The poetry of earth is
(a) pleasant
(b) unpleasant
(c) constant
(d) loud
Answer: (c) constant
5. According to Keats, the music of earth ceases-
(a) in summer
(b) in winter
(c) in autumn
(d) at no point of time
Answer: (d) at no point of time
6. When the poetry of earth brings silence?
(a) Autumn
(b) Winter
(c) Summer
(d) Monsoon
Answer: (b) Winter
7. A winter evening is-
(a) hazy
(b) silent
(c) gloomy
(d) delightful
Answer: (b) silent
8. The cricket’s song
(a) pleases everybody
(b) breaks winter’s depression
(c) makes people angry
(d) is disliked by the people
Answer: (b) breaks winter’s depression
9. Keats’s ‘The Poetry of Earth’ is a/an-
(a) ballad
(b) epic
(c) sonnet
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) sonnet
10. The ‘voice’ mentioned here is the voice of
(a) a grasshopper
(b) a cricket
(c) a bird
(d) the poet.
Answer: (a) a grasshopper
11. Grasshoppers fly in England-
(a) in autumn
(b) in winter
(c) in spring
(d) in summer
Answer: (d) in summer
12. The birds hide in trees because of
(a) rain
(b) tiredness
(c) cold
(d) heat
Answer: (d) heat
13. The grasshopper is associated with the season-
(a) winter
(b) autumn
(c) summer
(d) spring
Answer: (c) summer
14. Who sings the poetry of earth in the winter season?
(a) Grasshopper
(b) Cricket
(c) Crow
(d) Skylark
Answer: (b) Cricket
15. The warmth in the winter is created by-
(a) grasshopper’s delights
(b) hot sun
(c) silence
(d) cricket’s song
Answer: (d) cricket’s song
16. The winter evening is ‘lone’ because
(a) the poet has no company
(b) there is silence all around
(c) there is frost
(d) it is cold
Answer: (b) there is silence all around
17. “When all the birds are faint.”–Here the birds are faint with
(a) violent storm
(b) heavy rain
(c) a cold extreme
(d) the hot sun
Answer: (d) the hot sun
18. How do the birds feel during extreme summer?
(a) Faint
(b) Pleasant
(c) Gay
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) Faint
19. The grasshopper sings-
(a) from hedge to hedge
(b) in the forest
(c) in cooling trees
(d) in a hut
Answer: (a) from hedge to hedge
20. What has the frost wrought?
(a) Poetry of earth
(b) Warmth
(c) Silence
(d) None of the Above
Answer: (c) Silence