Suggested MCQ and SAQ of English for HS 2022
2022 সালের উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ইংরেজি শর্ট-এমসিকিউ সাজেশন। এই সাজেশনটি প্রস্তুত করেছেন অভিজ্ঞ শিক্ষক সুমন্ত কুন্ডু।

(a) The narrator’s eyes were sensitive only to—
(i) light
(ii) light and darkness
(iii) only to darkness
(iv) nothing.
(b) In October the hills of Mussoorie, were covered with –
(i) wild rose
(ii) wild animals
(iii) wild dahlias
(iv) sunlight.
(c) The third co-passenger boarded the train from – (i) Dehra (ii) Rohana (iii) Saharanpur (iv) Mussoorie.
(d) The voice of the girl was compared by the narrator with –
(i) the lightning
(ii) the high-pitched female voice
(iii) sparkle of a mountain stream
(iv) bird’s sweet song.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক 2022 ইংরেজি সাজেশন
(a) Who came to the station to see the girl off?
(b) How long would the narrator keep the ‘brief encounter’ in his mind?
(c) What type of train journey was comfortable for the girl?
(d) Where did the girl wish to go?
(e) What reality was revealed to the narrator at the end?
(f) What was the girl tired of?
(g) “They are formidable creatures.” – Who are ‘they’ referred to here?
(h) What could the narrator see in his mind’s eye?
(i) APJ Abdul Kalam was born in–
(a) a Bengali family
(b) a Punjabi family
(c) a Gujarati family
(d) a Tamil family.
(ii) Ashiamma served Kalam rice and sambar with –
(a) bowl
(b) tea spoon
(c) ladle
(d) none of these.
(iii) When a man reaches a deadlock situation, he wants –
(a) a financer
(b) a helper
(c) a scientist
(d) a guide.
(iv) For people in distress, Kalam’s father was –
(a) God
(b) Demon
(c) a mere mediator
(d) a true guide.
(i) How far was the Shiva temple from Kalam’s house?
(ii) Why did Jainulabdeen take his son to the local mosque?
(iii) How does adversity benefit a man?
(iv) How would Kalam’s father start his day?
(v) What did Kalam’s father reveal to his son?
(vi) Who was the ideal helpmate of Jainulabdeen?
(vii) When was Kalam’s ancestral house built?
(viii) What was the notion of Kalam’s father about prayer?
(i) The Tsar agreed with none of the learned men because
(A) they failed to answer
(B) they gave wrong answers
(C) they answered differently
(D) they answered the same
(ii) The Tsar met the hermit in –
(A) summer
(B) winter
(C) rainy season
(D) spring
(iii) The Tsar met a wounded man who was his–
(A) relative
(B) enemy
(C) friend
(D) brother
(iv) The Tsar wanted answers to the three questions so that he would be–
(A) rich
(B) powerful
(C) successful
(D) satisfied
(i) Where did the hermit live?
(ii) What did the wounded man ask for when he was revived?
(iii) What was the speciality of the hermit?
(iv) Who wounded the bearded man?
(v) How did the wounded man want to repay the Tsar?
(vi) Whom did the hermit use to receive?
(vii) With what was the hermit digging the ground?
(viii) Who is a Tsar?
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক 2022 ইংরেজি সাজেশন
Asleep in the Valley: MCQ
(a) The theme of the poem “Asleep in the Valley” deals with –
(i) futility of war
(ii) beauty of nature
(iii) glory of war
(iv) peace triumphs over war.
(b) The soldier described in the poem is–
(i) old
(ii) middle-aged
(iii) young
(iv) child-like.
(c) The innocence of the soldier is expressed best through his –
(i) sleep
(ii) posture
(iii) smile
(iv) weapons.
(d) The soldier lies in the valley because he is a –
(i) winner of the war
(ii) casualty of war
(iii) sleeping person
(iv) chocolate –cream soldier.
Asleep in the Valley: SAQ
(a) What is the setting of the poem, “Asleep in the Valley”?
(b) How does the stream look ?
(c) How is the soldier lying in the valley?
(d) What do the ‘two red holes’ suggest in the poem, “Asleep in the Valley”?
(e) Why do the humming insects not disturb the soldier’s rest?
(f) What does the poet ask nature to do?
(g) Describe the smile of the soldier sleeping in the valley?
(h) What is meant by ‘heavy undergrowth’?
Sonnet 18: MCQ
(i) Nature’s changing course is –
(A) dimmed
(B) temperate
(C) untrimmed
(D) lovely
(ii) The winds that blow in summer in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 are –
(A) balmy
(B) weak
(C) hot
(D) rough
(iii) ‘The eye of heaven’ refers to –
(A) the sun
(B) the moon
(C) the poet
(D) the clouds
(iv) ‘But thy eternal summer shall not fade.’ – The word opposite in meaning to ‘eternal’ is –
(A) universal
(B) momentary
(C) temporal
(D) decayed
Sonnet 18: SAQ
(i) What is meant by ‘summer’s lease’?
(ii) How is the gold complexion of the sun dimmed?
(iii) “Thou wand’rest in his shade” – Whose ‘shade’ is referred to here?
(iv) What are the fair possessions that the poet’s friend owes?
(v) What will not be bragged by death?
(vi) Why does the poet not compare his friend to a summer’s day?
(vii) To whom is Sonnet -18 addressed?
(viii) What do rough winds do in summer?
(i) The two dominating things in the poem are –
(A) heat and warmth
(B) summer and winter
(C) winter and the Cricket
(D) spring and summer
(ii) The frost has wrought a –
(A) silence
(B) noise
(C) music
(D) poetry
(iii)“A voice will run from hedge to hedge” – Here the voice refers to the voice of –
(A) birds
(B) Grasshopper
(C) earth
(D) bird
(iv) The tone of the poem, “The Poetry of Earth” is –
(A) tragic
(B) nostalgic
(C) sombre
(D) romantic
(i) What kind of poem is “The Poetry of Earth”?
(ii) Which seasons are mentioned in the poem ” The Poetry of Earth”?
(iii) Why are the birds faint in summer?
(iv) Where will the voice of the Grasshopper run?
(v) With what was the Grasshopper never done with?
(vi) What does one in drowsiness half –lost look upon the Cricket’s song?
(vii) What is the rhyme scheme of the Sonnet “The Poetry of Earth”?
(viii) How does the Grasshopper take rest while tired out with fun?
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক 2022 ইংরেজি সাজেশন
The Proposal: MCQ
(i) What is the format of the play?
(A) one act play
(B) tragedy
(C) farce
(D) comedy
(ii) The first argument was over –
(A) dogs
(B) labour
(C) inheritance
(D) land
(iii) Lomov, Chubukov and Natalya approach marriage with a sense of – (A) idealism
(B) practicality
(C) romanticism
(D) cynicism
(iv) According to Chubukov, Lomov’s aunt ran away with —
(A) a peasant
(B) an architect
(C) a carpenter
(D) a labour
(v) Natalya compares Guess –
(A) sheep
(B) wolf
(C) fox
(D) horse
(vi) Lomov thinks that the worst problem he has is –
(A) his critical age
(B) his palpitations
(C) the way he sleeps
(D) none of these
(vii) Lomov bought his dog from –
(A) Chubukov
(B) Michel
(C) Mironov
(D) Mitchel
(viii) When Lomov came, Natalya was –
(A) dressing up
(B) eating
(C) singing
(D) shelling peas